Updated…Another Awesome Book Signing Comes to Nashville!

In case you haven't had the opportunity to read Danielle Walker's, Against All Grain, she is going to be appearing here in Nashville for a book signing and discussion to promote her new book, Meals Made Simple. I'm so thrilled to see these types of events coming to Nashville. This is a free event and [...]

By |September 24th, 2014|Grains, Health, Recipes|Comments Off on Updated…Another Awesome Book Signing Comes to Nashville!

Wheat Belly (Required Reading for the Paleo Faithful)

One of the most important books on nutrition in the last 50 years. Dr. William Davis goes into great detail regarding the manipulation that has occured to produce the "dwarf variant" wheat we now all consume and it's deadly side effects on our health. Dr. Davis, a cardiologist, goes into fascinating detail in regards to [...]

By |July 20th, 2014|Grains|Comments Off on Wheat Belly (Required Reading for the Paleo Faithful)

Myth: I Can’t Afford To Buy Organic Food – Think Again

The fact of the matter is that you can't afford not to. Despite what we've been told, the pesticides sprayed on factory farmed conventional produce don't simply rinse off under tap water or even with the use of more effective cleaners such as a light vinegar solution. Pesticides such as Glyphosate, the active ingredient in [...]

By |August 16th, 2013|Grains|2 Comments